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It's ALL in the house

Over the past few months, I have searched the internet for a video editing and recording tool that was simple to use and free; I have reached out to many of my media savvy friends but could not find that combination (simple to use and free).

Earlier this week, the Holy Spirit then said, “you already have a tool in Windows 10.”

I was shocked! Shortly after I discovered the tool that was already resident on my laptop computer. A tool I already paid for with the purchase of my computer.

Psalm 119:130


130 The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.


Sometimes, in problem-solving, we tend to overcomplicate things.

Had I not received the light that "I already had the tool" I would not have had an understanding of the simple.

So before we get into "problem-solving mode" let's ensure that we have fully attained "understanding."


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