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The Wealth of The Righteous

This quote has stuck with me, so much so, that it has inspired my next book, "Wealth To Reign."

There is a genetic code in each one of us and it is the divine gene to create. Many go through life never tapping into this ability because the efficacy of this genetic code is measured by its ability to impact not just your life, but the life of others.

What many people call wealth, is really riches. There's nothing wrong with riches, but it is inferior (on a relative scale) to wealth. When my divinely created genetic code is activated, it produces a plethora of wealth. It produces:

  • Financial Wealth

  • Social Wealth

  • Relational Wealth

  • Spiritual Wealth

  • Intellectual Wealth

  • Geographical Wealth

  • Physical Wealth

  • Creative Wealth

not just for you, but for everyone that is connected to you.

There are lots of verses of scripture that confirm everything that I am sharing with you in this blog. However, rather than inundating you with scripture in this blog, I have created a custom-made reading and meditation plan in our A Ray of Light Mobile App.

Just 2 scriptures a day (one in the morning and one in the evening) can and will transform your reality on wealth. Once you access the mobile app, simply click "Bible" then click "Plan."


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