If you were to ask 10 people if they use a To-Do list, 9 out of 10 people will probably say yes. But in July of 2020 (in the midst of the Pandemic) I came across an article from the McKinsey Quarterly that really caught my attention.
In this article, (headlined above) the CEO stated, "..... I’ve always had a decent amount of discipline around writing down “to-dos”—you know, I want to make sure I do A, B, and C today. I print out my daily calendar, I have it with me all day, and I make notes as I go. But I never purposefully gave thought to whether there’s a way to be really intentional about how I want to show up every day. So I’ve added a “to be” list to my repertoire. Today, for example, I want to be generous and genuine....."
What if each one of us were to start our day with laser-focused intentionality by framing our To-Do List with our To-Be List? How would that shape your world?
The importance of the To-Be List during a period of transition.
As leadership was transitioned from Moses to Joshua we could vividly see the importance of the To-Be List. The Lord told Joshua in Joshua 1:2,5,6
2 “Moses my servant is deas ..... 5 As I was with Moses, so I will be with you .... 6 Be strong and courageous because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.
Notice the two to one ratio of the To-Be list compared to the To-Do list.